Poreč Veterinary Hospital


Whether it's about timely mating, artificial insemination, preventing abortions, as well as helping and caring for the mother and young, we are here to advise you and offer services that will ensure a smooth pregnancy and birth, as well as healthy growth and development of the puppies.

Popis usluga

  • Umjetno osjemenjivanje sa svježom, pothlađenom i smrznutom spermom pasa
  • Određivanje optimalnog termina za parenje pasa i progesteronski test
  • Dijagnostika neplodnosti pasa
  • Pomoć pri porođaju
  • Neonatalna skrb i njega
  • Liječenje piometre
  • Management reprodukcije pasa
  • Određivanje vitalnosti spermija