Poreč Veterinary Hospital

A team of recognized

Meet our exceptional team of compassionate veterinarians who are committed to providing the highest standard of care for your pets

Meet our team

Dedicated professionals behind our veterinary practice


mr.sc. Branko Jurić

Branko Jurić, MSc, MD, PhD. was born in 1962. Even as a child, he was happiest when surrounded by animals. He loved his dog Riki immensely, so he promised himself that he wanted to be ready to help animals in need. In order to better prepare for his studies, he attended the Secondary Medical School and finally started his studies. After graduating from the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Zagreb in 1992. he got a job at the Veterinary Station in Poreč, which today thanks to him has grown into a renowned veterinary hospital.

He obtained his master's degree based on the results of his research work in the field of pet microsporosis at the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Ljubljana in 2002 under the surveillance of renowned scientists Assoc. Ph.D. Zaninović, Prof. Ph.D. Pinter and Prof. Ph.D. Simčić. He is also licensed veterinarian.

So far, he has been trained at the University of Ljubljana (Small Animal Clinic) and Kranj ((Small Animal Clinic Kranj) in the field of internal diseases and soft surgery. He has participated in numerous seminars and professional training in Croatia, Slovenia and Italy. For more than two decades, Jurić, M.Sc., has been working dedicatedly and for several years as a director he has been coordinating a team of veterinarians and support staff, of which is really proud of. In Veterinary Hospital Poreč and Veterinary practice Ultra Vet , he organizes and performs various surgical procedures. mr.sc. Jurić works dedicatedly and has been coordinating a team of veterinarians and support staff for several years as director, which he is particularly proud of. As part of the Hospital and Veterinary Practice, Ultra-vet organizes and performs surgical procedures.

He is the father of an adult son. In the past, his boxer Aja cheered up his home, and now he gives all his love together with his family to Luna, an adopted pinscher. He spends free time with his family and whenever possible enjoying archipelago of Poreč as he has always been a great lover of fishing and sea.

Here's what he thinks:

” For me, being a veterinarian is not a job but a pleasure. In more than two decades, I have never felt it as employment, but as the pleasure of helping"

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Katja Krivičić

Katja Krivičić was born in 1980. After Elementary School, she continued her education at the Ambroz Haračić Gymnasium in Mali lošinj. By enrolling in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Zagreb, her great wish came true because she always wanted to find a way to help animals. She was surrounded by dogs, cats, squirrels and rabbits since she was little. As a happy student, she showed a special interest in helping animals in emergency situations and in surgical skills. She graduated in 2008 and passed the professional exam. Joined the team immediately after completing studies in 2009 and fits in the best way into the working atmosphere in the hospital,as in shelter.

In 2021, she took the state professional exam and acquires the title of authorized veterinarian. She has always shown a special interest in surgical techniques, so she continues to improve her skills in the field of inhalation anesthesia and surgery. She especially acquired her surgical skills during her stay at the Veterinary Clinic in Kranj. Regularly participates in numerous congresses and educations in the field of veterinary surgery, especially soft tissue surgery. Especially enjoys helping exotic animals.


Today, as the Head of the Poreč Veterinary Hospital Animal Shelter, she selflessly provides love and health care to all pets and prepares them for a happy adoption.


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Marta Schiavon

Marta Schiavon was born in 1988 in Padua. After finishing high school, she entered the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Bologna, where she graduated in 2014 with a Thesis on veterinary toxicology. After graduating, she attended advanced training courses and developed a special interest in surgery and imaging diagnostics, especially ultrasound diagnostics of small animals.

She has worked in several clinics in Bologna, Turin and Padua. In 2021 she came to Funtana and aso started to be a happy member of the team of Poreč Veterinary Hospital. From an early age, she developed a special empathy for animals, starting with her first dog named Bengy, who lived for over 18 years. Now, in addition to the two cats adopted from the Poreč Veterinary Hospital (Tina and Teo), she has two dogs, Nanook and Pablo.

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Sanja Filipović-Čugura

U Veterinarskoj bolnici Poreč počela je raditi u kolovozu 2019. godine. Bila je član Speleološke udruge, a trenutno ima tri poluinvalidne mačke udomljene iz skloništa - Zozo, Lala, Deedee te udomljenu amazonsku papigu Maju. Osim ljubavi prema životinjama, pronalazi radost u uzgoju sobnih, ukrasnih i balkonskih biljki.

Immediately after completing her studies, she got a job in the Brijuni National Park and after that she joined the professional team of the Hospital in August 2019. To date, she has attended numerous courses in the field of inhalation anesthesia. In 2020, she was trained in the field of veterinary dentistry at the Kranj Veterinary Clinic under the expert guidance of eminent prof. Ph.D. Zlatka Pavlica. S he is particularly interested in internal medicine problems, anesthesiology and dentistry. She was a member of the Speleological Association. Currently cares of three semi-disabled cats adopted from the shelter - Zozo, Lala, Deedee and an adopted Amazonian parrot Maja. In addition to his love for animals, she finds joy in growing indoor, ornamental and balcony plants.

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Sven Jurić

Despite the fact that completed his high school education as a chef, due to his exceptional love for animals, he decided to be retrained. He successfully completed the vocational training program for a veterinary nurse. Every day he cares for abandoned animals in the shelter with a big dedication.

Edi Starić

Edi Starić is born on March 26, 1965 in Pula. Graduated from secondary agricultural school in Poreč in 1983. . He joined the hospital team n 2017. He is very fond of animals and currently owns a crossbreed dog named Medo.

Željko Bizjak

Željko Bizjak is born on April 22, 1967. Attended the Police Academy in Zagreb, where he graduated in 1986. In 1988, he completed training as a service dog handler in Zagreb afterwhat he joined the team in 2020. He is also an owner of two adopted dogs from our shelter, Croatian shepherds Gina and Jones.
